Hardcore Visual Basic 5.0 (2nd Edition)
Hardcore Visual Basic 5.0 - Second Edition (1997)(Microsoft Press).iso
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BASIC Source File
2,040 lines
Attribute VB_Name = "MTimeIt"
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function GetVersionTmp Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetVersion" () As Long
#If fUseCpp Then
Private Declare Function LoWord5 Lib "vbutil32" Alias "LoWord" (ByVal dw As Long) As Integer
Private Declare Function HiWord5 Lib "vbutil32" Alias "HiWord" (ByVal dw As Long) As Integer
#End If
Private n As Long
Private iVar As Integer
Private Type TLoHiLong
lo As Integer
hi As Integer
End Type
Private Type TAllLong
all As Long
End Type
Function LogicalAndVsNestedIf(cIter As Long) As String
Dim sec As Currency, secOut As Currency
Dim sMsg As String, i As Integer, iIter As Long
i = 21
ProfileStart sec
For iIter = 1 To cIter
If i <= 20 And i >= 10 Then i = i + 1
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "If a And b Then: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
i = 21
ProfileStart sec
For iIter = 1 To cIter
If i <= 20 Then If i >= 10 Then i = i + 1
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "If a Then If b Then: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
LogicalAndVsNestedIf = sMsg
End Function
Function ByValVsByRef(cIter As Long) As String
Dim sec As Currency, secOut As Currency
Dim sMsg As String, n As Long
Dim i As Integer, lng As Long, sng As Single, dbl As Double
Dim v As Variant, s As String
i = 5
ProfileStart sec
For n = 1 To cIter
TestByValInt i
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Integer by value: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For n = 1 To cIter
TestByRefInt i
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Integer by reference: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
lng = 100000
ProfileStart sec
For n = 1 To cIter
TestByValLong lng
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Long by value: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For n = 1 To cIter
TestByRefLong lng
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Long by reference: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
sng = 2.1
ProfileStart sec
For n = 1 To cIter
TestByValSng sng
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Single by value: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For n = 1 To cIter
TestByRefSng sng
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Single by reference: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
dbl = 2.1
ProfileStart sec
For n = 1 To cIter
TestByValDbl dbl
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Double by value: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For n = 1 To cIter
TestByRefDbl dbl
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Double by reference: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
v = CDbl(2.1)
ProfileStart sec
For n = 1 To cIter
TestByValVar v
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Variant (Double) by value: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For n = 1 To cIter
TestByRefVar v
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Variant (Double) by reference: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
s = "Hardcore"
ProfileStart sec
For n = 1 To cIter
TestByValStr s
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "String by value: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For n = 1 To cIter
TestByRefStr s
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "String by reference: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ByValVsByRef = sMsg
End Function
Private Sub TestByValInt(ByVal iArg As Integer)
Dim iVar As Integer
iVar = iArg
End Sub
Private Sub TestByRefInt(ByRef iArg As Integer)
Dim iVar As Integer
iVar = iArg
End Sub
Private Sub TestByValLong(ByVal iArg As Long)
Dim iVar As Long
iVar = iArg
End Sub
Private Sub TestByRefLong(ByRef iArg As Long)
Dim iVar As Long
iVar = iArg
End Sub
Private Sub TestByValSng(ByVal rArg As Single)
Dim rVar As Single
rVar = rArg
End Sub
Private Sub TestByRefSng(ByRef rArg As Single)
Dim rVar As Single
rVar = rArg
End Sub
Private Sub TestByValDbl(ByVal rArg As Double)
Dim rVar As Double
rVar = rArg
End Sub
Private Sub TestByRefDbl(ByRef rArg As Double)
Dim rVar As Double
rVar = rArg
End Sub
Private Sub TestByValCy(ByVal cyArg As Currency)
Dim cyVar As Currency
cyVar = cyArg
End Sub
Private Sub TestByRefCy(ByRef cyArg As Currency)
Dim cyVar As Currency
cyVar = cyArg
End Sub
Private Sub TestByValVar(ByVal vArg As Variant)
Dim vVar As Variant
vVar = vArg
End Sub
Private Sub TestByRefVar(ByRef vArg As Variant)
Dim vVar As Variant
vVar = vArg
End Sub
Private Sub TestByValStr(ByVal sArg As String)
Dim sVar As String
sVar = sArg
End Sub
Private Sub TestByRefStr(ByRef sArg As String)
Dim sVar As String
sVar = sArg
End Sub
Function CompareTypeProcessing(cIter As Long) As String
Dim sec As Currency, secOut As Currency
Dim sMsg As String
Dim i As Integer, v As Variant, l As Long
Dim s As Single, d As Double, c As Currency
Dim i2 As Integer, v2 As Variant, l2 As Long
Dim s2 As Single, d2 As Double, c2 As Currency
Dim ci As Integer, cv As Variant, cl As Long
Dim cs As Single, cd As Double, cc As Currency
ci = IIf(cIter < 32767&, cIter, 0)
cv = cIter: cl = cIter: cs = cIter: cd = cIter: cc = cIter
ProfileStart sec
i = 1
Do While i < ci
i2 = 1
Do While i2 < ci
i2 = i2 + 1
i = i + 1
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = "Integer: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
l = 1
Do While l < cl
l2 = 1
Do While l2 < ci
l2 = l2 + 1
l = l + 1
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Long: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
s = 1
Do While s < cs
s2 = 1
Do While s2 < ci
s2 = s2 + 1
s = s + 1
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Single: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
d = 1
Do While d < cd
d2 = 1
Do While d2 < ci
d2 = d2 + 1
d = d + 1
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Double: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
c = 1
Do While c < cc
c2 = 1
Do While c2 < ci
c2 = c2 + 1
c = c + 1
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Currency: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
v = 1
Do While v < cv
v2 = 1
Do While v2 < ci
v2 = v2 + 1
v = v + 1
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Variant: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
CompareTypeProcessing = sMsg
End Function
Function InlineVsFunction(cIter As Long) As String
Dim sec As Currency, secOut As Currency
Dim sMsg As String
Dim i As Long, n As Long, d As Double
i = 1
ProfileStart sec
For n = 1 To cIter
i = i + 1
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = "Inline addition: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
i = 1
ProfileStart sec
For n = 1 To cIter
i = AddEm(i, 5)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Function Addition: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
i = 1
ProfileStart sec
For n = 1 To cIter
d = n ^ 5
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Inline power: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
i = 1
ProfileStart sec
For n = 1 To cIter
d = Power(n, 5)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Function power: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
InlineVsFunction = sMsg
End Function
Function FixedVsVariableString(cIter As Long) As String
Dim sec As Currency, secOut As Currency
Dim sMsg As String
Dim c As Long, n As Long, s As String
Dim sVariable As String
Dim sFixed As String * 8
sVariable = "Hardcore"
sFixed = "Hardcore"
ProfileStart sec
For n = 1 To cIter
sVariable = "Hardcore"
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Assign to variable-length string: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For n = 1 To cIter
sFixed = "Hardcore"
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Assign to fixed-length string: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For n = 1 To cIter
s = Mid$(sVariable, 3, 2)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Pass variable-length string to Mid$: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For n = 1 To cIter
s = Mid$(sFixed, 3, 2)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Pass fixed-length string to Mid$: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For n = 1 To cIter / 100
s = s & sVariable
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Concatenate variable-length string: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For n = 1 To cIter / 100
s = s & sFixed
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Concatenate fixed-length string: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
sVariable = "Time It"
ProfileStart sec
For n = 1 To cIter / 10
c = FindWindow(sNullStr, sVariable)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
BugMessage "Window handle: " & Hex(c)
sMsg = sMsg & "Pass variable-length string to API: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
Dim sFixed2 As String * 7
sFixed = "Time It"
ProfileStart sec
For n = 1 To cIter / 10
c = FindWindow(sNullStr, sFixed2)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
BugMessage "Window handle: " & Hex(c)
sMsg = sMsg & "Pass fixed-length string to API: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
Dim sVariableBuf As String
sVariableBuf = String(80, 0)
ProfileStart sec
For n = 1 To cIter / 10
c = GetWindowText(FTimeIt.hWnd, sVariableBuf, 80)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
s = Left$(sVariableBuf, c)
BugMessage "Window Text: " & s
sMsg = sMsg & "Use variable-length string as API buffer: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
Dim sFixedBuf As String * 80
ProfileStart sec
For n = 1 To cIter / 10
c = GetWindowText(FTimeIt.hWnd, sFixedBuf, 80)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
BugMessage "Window Text: " & s
s = Left$(sFixedBuf, c)
sMsg = sMsg & "Use fixed-length string as API buffer: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
FixedVsVariableString = sMsg
End Function
Private Function AddEm(ByVal i1 As Long, i2 As Long) As Long
AddEm = i1 + i2
End Function
Private Function Power(ByVal i1 As Long, i2 As Long) As Double
Power = i1 ^ i2
End Function
Function CompareLoWords(cIter As Long) As String
Dim sec As Currency, secOut As Currency
Dim sMsg As String
Dim i As Long
Dim f16Wrap As Integer, f16NoWrap As Integer
Dim f32Wrap As Long, f32NoWrap As Long
f32NoWrap = &H12345678
f32Wrap = &HFEDCBA98
BugMessage "Wrap: " & Hex$(f32Wrap) & " NoWrap: " & Hex$(f32NoWrap)
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
f16NoWrap = LoWord1(f32NoWrap)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "LoWord1 - AND positive: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
#If 0 Then
' This causes overflow!
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
f16Wrap = LoWord1(f32Wrap)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = "LoWord1 - AND negative: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
BugMessage "LoWord1 Wrap: " & Hex$(f16Wrap) & " NoWrap: " & Hex$(f16NoWrap)
#End If
sMsg = sMsg & "LoWord1 - AND negative: Overflow" & sCrLf
BugMessage "LoWord1 Wrap: " & "FAIL" & " NoWrap: " & Hex$(f16NoWrap)
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
f16NoWrap = LoWord2(f32NoWrap)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "LoWord2 - AND positive after sign check: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
f16Wrap = LoWord2(f32Wrap)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "LoWord2 - OR negative after sign check: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
BugMessage "LoWord2 Wrap: " & Hex$(f16Wrap) & " NoWrap: " & Hex$(f16NoWrap)
f16Wrap = LoWord3(f32Wrap)
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
f16NoWrap = LoWord3(f32NoWrap)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "LoWord3 - Copy low word with LSet: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
BugMessage "LoWord3 Wrap: " & Hex$(f16Wrap) & " NoWrap: " & Hex$(f16NoWrap)
f16Wrap = LoWord4(f32Wrap)
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
f16NoWrap = LoWord4(f32NoWrap)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "LoWord4 - Copy low word with CopyMemory: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
BugMessage "LoWord4 Wrap: " & Hex$(f16Wrap) & " NoWrap: " & Hex$(f16NoWrap)
#If fUseCpp Then
f16Wrap = LoWord5(f32Wrap)
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
f16NoWrap = LoWord5(f32NoWrap)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "LoWord5 - AND low word in C++: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
BugMessage "LoWord5 Wrap: " & Hex$(f16Wrap) & " NoWrap: " & Hex$(f16NoWrap)
#End If
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
f16NoWrap = HiWord1(f32NoWrap)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "HiWord1 - AND negative: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
f16Wrap = HiWord1(f32Wrap)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "HiWord1 - AND positive: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
BugMessage "HiWord1 Wrap: " & Hex$(f16Wrap) & " NoWrap: " & Hex$(f16NoWrap)
#If 0 Then
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
f16NoWrap = HiWord2(f32NoWrap)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "HiWord2 - AND positive after sign check: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
f16Wrap = HiWord2(f32Wrap)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "HiWord2 - AND negative after sign check: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
BugMessage "HiWord2 Wrap: " & Hex$(f16Wrap) & " NoWrap: " & Hex$(f16NoWrap)
#End If
f16Wrap = HiWord3(f32Wrap)
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
f16NoWrap = HiWord3(f32NoWrap)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "HiWord3 - Copy high word with LSet: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
BugMessage "HiWord3 Wrap: " & Hex$(f16Wrap) & " NoWrap: " & Hex$(f16NoWrap)
f16Wrap = HiWord4(f32Wrap)
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
f16NoWrap = HiWord4(f32NoWrap)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "HiWord4 - Copy high word with CopyMemory: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
BugMessage "HiWord4 Wrap: " & Hex$(f16Wrap) & " NoWrap: " & Hex$(f16NoWrap)
#If fUseCpp Then
f16Wrap = HiWord5(f32Wrap)
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
f16NoWrap = HiWord5(f32NoWrap)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "HiWord5 - AND high word in C++: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
BugMessage "HiWord5 Wrap: " & Hex$(f16Wrap) & " NoWrap: " & Hex$(f16NoWrap)
#End If
CompareLoWords = sMsg
End Function
Function LoWord1(ByVal dw As Long) As Integer
LoWord1 = dw And &HFFFF&
End Function
Function LoWord2(ByVal dw As Long) As Integer
If dw And &H8000& Then
LoWord2 = dw Or &HFFFF0000
LoWord2 = dw And &HFFFF&
End If
End Function
Function LoWord3(ByVal dw As Long) As Integer
Dim lohi As TLoHiLong
Dim all As TAllLong
all.all = dw
LSet lohi = all
LoWord3 = lohi.lo
End Function
Function LoWord4(ByVal dw As Long) As Integer
Dim w As Integer
CopyMemory w, dw, 2
LoWord4 = w
'CopyMemory LoWord4, dw, 2
End Function
Function HiWord1(ByVal dw As Long) As Integer
HiWord1 = (dw And &HFFFF0000) \ 65536
End Function
Function HiWord2(ByVal dw As Long) As Integer
HiWord2 = (dw And &HFFFF0000) \ 65536
End Function
Function HiWord3(ByVal dw As Long) As Integer
Dim lohi As TLoHiLong
Dim all As TAllLong
all.all = dw
LSet lohi = all
HiWord3 = lohi.hi
End Function
Function HiWord4(ByVal dw As Long) As Integer
CopyMemory HiWord4, ByVal VarPtr(dw) + 2, 2
End Function
Function LShiftWordB(ByVal w As Integer, ByVal c As Integer) As Integer
Dim dw As Long
dw = w * (2 ^ c)
If dw And &H8000& Then
LShiftWordB = CInt(dw And &H7FFF&) Or &H8000
LShiftWordB = dw And &HFFFF&
End If
End Function
Function RShiftWordB(ByVal w As Integer, ByVal c As Integer) As Integer
Dim dw As Long
If c = 0 Then
RShiftWordB = w
dw = w And &HFFFF&
dw = dw \ (2 ^ c)
RShiftWordB = dw And &HFFFF&
End If
End Function
Function IIfVsIfThen(cIter As Long) As String
Dim sec As Currency, secOut As Currency
Dim sMsg As String
Dim i As Long, iRes As Integer
Dim ix As Integer, iy As Integer
ix = 40: iy = 50
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
iRes = IIf(ix > iy, ix, iy)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "IIf: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
If ix > iy Then
iRes = ix
iRes = iy
End If
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "If-Then-Else: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
iRes = MyIIf(ix > iy, ix, iy)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "MyIIf (Variant): " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
iRes = MyIIfInt(ix > iy, ix, iy)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "MyIIfInt: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
IIfVsIfThen = sMsg
End Function
Private Function MyIIf(vCondition As Variant, vTrue As Variant, vFalse As Variant) As Variant
If vCondition Then
MyIIf = vTrue
MyIIf = vFalse
End If
End Function
Private Function MyIIfInt(iCondition As Integer, iTrue As Integer, iFalse As Integer) As Integer
If iCondition Then
MyIIfInt = iTrue
MyIIfInt = iFalse
End If
End Function
Function DollarVsNone(cIter As Long) As String
Dim sec As Currency, secOut As Currency
Dim sMsg As String
Dim i As Long, iPos As Integer, cInput As Integer
Const sTest As String = "To VB or not to VB, that is the question..."
cInput = Len(sTest)
Dim sOut As String, vOut As Variant
Dim sInput As String, vInput As Variant
sInput = sTest
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
For iPos = 1 To Len(sInput) - 1
sOut = Mid$(sInput, iPos)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "s = Mid$(s, i): " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
vInput = sTest
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
For iPos = 1 To Len(sInput) - 1
sOut = Mid$(vInput, iPos)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "s = Mid$(v, i): " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
vInput = sTest
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
For iPos = 1 To Len(sInput) - 1
vOut = Mid$(vInput, iPos)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "v = Mid$(v, i): " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
sInput = sTest
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
For iPos = 1 To Len(sInput) - 1
vOut = Mid$(sInput, iPos)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "v = Mid$(s, i): " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
sInput = sTest
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
For iPos = 1 To Len(sInput) - 1
sOut = Mid(sInput, iPos)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "s = Mid(s, i): " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
vInput = sTest
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
For iPos = 1 To Len(sInput) - 1
sOut = Mid(vInput, iPos)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "s = Mid(v, i): " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
vInput = sTest
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
For iPos = 1 To Len(sInput) - 1
vOut = Mid(vInput, iPos)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "v = Mid(v, i): " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
sInput = sTest
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
For iPos = 1 To Len(sInput) - 1
vOut = Mid(sInput, iPos)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "v = Mid(s, i): " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
DollarVsNone = sMsg
End Function
Function EmptyVsQuotes(cIter As Long) As String
Dim sec As Currency, secOut As Currency
Dim sMsg As String
Dim asTest(0 To 1) As String
Dim f As Boolean, i As Long
asTest(0) = "Test"
asTest(1) = Empty
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
f = (asTest(i Mod 2) = sEmpty)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "s = sEmpty (String constant): " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
f = (asTest(i Mod 2) = "")
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "s = """" (inline quotes): " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
f = (asTest(i Mod 2) = Empty)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "s = Empty (Variant constant): " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
f = (asTest(i Mod 2) = vbNullString)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "s = vbNullString (null pointer constant): " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
EmptyVsQuotes = sMsg
End Function
Function WithWithout(cIter As Long) As String
Dim sec As Currency, secOut As Currency
Dim sMsg As String
Dim i As Long, iTest As Integer
Dim nc As CNull, rnc As CNull
Set nc = New CNull
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
nc.ProcProp = 5
iTest = nc.ProcProp
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Qualified access, one read/write: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
With nc
.ProcProp = 5
iTest = .ProcProp
End With
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "With access, one read/write: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
nc.ProcProp = 5
iTest = nc.ProcProp
nc.ProcProp = 6
iTest = nc.ProcProp
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Qualified access, two read/write: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
With nc
.ProcProp = 5
iTest = .ProcProp
.ProcProp = 6
iTest = .ProcProp
End With
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "With access, two read/write: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
nc.ProcProp = 5
iTest = nc.ProcProp
nc.ProcProp = 6
iTest = nc.ProcProp
nc.ProcProp = 7
iTest = nc.ProcProp
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Qualified access, three read/write: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
With nc
.ProcProp = 5
iTest = .ProcProp
.ProcProp = 6
iTest = .ProcProp
.ProcProp = 7
iTest = .ProcProp
End With
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "With access, three read/write: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
nc.ProcProp = 5
iTest = nc.ProcProp
nc.ProcProp = 6
iTest = nc.ProcProp
nc.ProcProp = 7
iTest = nc.ProcProp
nc.ProcProp = 8
iTest = nc.ProcProp
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Qualified access, four read/write: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
With nc
.ProcProp = 5
iTest = .ProcProp
.ProcProp = 6
iTest = .ProcProp
.ProcProp = 7
iTest = .ProcProp
.ProcProp = 8
iTest = .ProcProp
End With
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "With access, four read/write: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
WithWithout = sMsg
End Function
Function MethodVsProc(cIter As Long) As String
Dim sec As Currency, secOut As Currency
Dim sMsg As String
Dim i As Long
Dim iTest As Integer
Dim nul As CNull, nulNew As New CNull, nulLate As Object
Set nul = New CNull
Set nulLate = New CNull
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
iTest = nul.FuncMethod()
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Call method function on object: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
iTest = nulNew.FuncMethod()
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Call method function on New object: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
iTest = nulLate.FuncMethod()
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Call method function on late-bound object: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
iTest = FuncProc()
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Call private function: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
nul.SubMethod iTest
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Pass variable to method sub on object: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
nulNew.SubMethod iTest
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Pass variable to method sub on New object: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
nulLate.SubMethod iTest
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Pass variable to method sub on late-bound object: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
iTest = FuncProc()
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Pass variable to private sub: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
nul.ProcProp = 5
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Assign through property let on object: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
nulNew.ProcProp = 5
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Assign through property let on New object: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
nulLate.ProcProp = 5
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Assign through property let on late-bound object: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
PrivProp = 5
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Assign through private property let: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
iTest = nul.ProcProp
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Assign from property get on object: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
iTest = nulNew.ProcProp
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Assign from property get on New object: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
iTest = nulLate.ProcProp
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Assign from property get on late-bound object: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
iTest = PrivProp
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Assign from private property get: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
nul.PubProp = 5
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Assign to public property on object: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
nulNew.PubProp = 5
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Assign to public property on New object: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
nulLate.PubProp = 5
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Assign to public property on late-bound object: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
iVar = 5
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Assign to private variable: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
iTest = nul.PubProp
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Assign from public property on object: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
iTest = nulNew.PubProp
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Assign from public property on New object: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
iTest = nulLate.PubProp
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Assign from public property on late-bound object: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
iTest = iVar
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Assign from private variable: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
MethodVsProc = sMsg
End Function
Private Sub SubProc(i As Integer)
i = 1
End Sub
Private Function FuncProc()
FuncProc = 2
End Function
Private Property Let PrivProp(i As Integer)
iVar = i
End Property
Private Property Get PrivProp() As Integer
PrivProp = iVar
End Property
Function ForEachVsForI(cIter As Long) As String
Dim sec As Currency, secOut As Currency
Dim sMsg As String, i As Long, nul As CNull
Dim iTemp As Integer, s As String, v As Variant, ix As Integer
Dim iMax As Long
iMax = cIter
cIter = 1
Dim avNull() As Variant
Dim aiNull() As Integer
Dim asNull() As String
Dim anulNull() As CNull
ReDim avNull(1 To iMax) As Variant
ReDim aiNull(1 To iMax) As Integer
ReDim asNull(1 To iMax) As String
ReDim anulNull(1 To iMax) As CNull
Dim nNull As Collection
Set nNull = New Collection
Dim vecNull As CVector
Set vecNull = New CVector
Dim veciNull As CVectorInt
Set veciNull = New CVectorInt
Dim lstNull As New CList
Set lstNull = New CList
Dim walker As CListWalker
Set walker = New CListWalker
' Create collection, arrays, vector, and list of iMax Integers
For iTemp = 1 To iMax
avNull(iTemp) = iTemp
aiNull(iTemp) = iTemp
nNull.Add iTemp
vecNull(iTemp) = iTemp
veciNull(iTemp) = iTemp
lstNull.Add iTemp
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
For iTemp = 1 To iMax
ix = avNull(iTemp)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "For I on Variant Integer array: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
For Each v In avNull
ix = v
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "For Each on Variant Integer array: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
For iTemp = 1 To iMax
ix = aiNull(iTemp)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "For I on Integer array: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
For Each v In aiNull
ix = v
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "For Each on Integer array: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
For iTemp = 1 To nNull.Count
ix = nNull(iTemp)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "For I on Integer collection: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
For Each v In nNull
ix = v
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "For Each on Integer collection: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
For iTemp = 1 To vecNull.Last
ix = vecNull(iTemp)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "For I on Variant Integer vector: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
For Each v In vecNull
ix = v
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "For Each on Variant Integer vector: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
For iTemp = 1 To veciNull.Last
ix = veciNull(iTemp)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "For I on Integer vector: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
For Each v In veciNull
ix = v
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "For Each on Integer vector: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
For iTemp = 1 To lstNull.Count
ix = lstNull(iTemp)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "For I on Integer list: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
For Each v In lstNull
ix = v
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "For Each on Integer list: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
walker.Attach lstNull
Do While walker.More
ix = walker
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Do While on Integer list: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
#If 0 Then ' Turned out to be uninteresting, but left for the curious
' Create a collection and an array of iMax strings
Set nNull = Nothing
Set nNull = New Collection
vecNull.Last = vecNull.Chunk
For iTemp = 1 To iMax
avNull(iTemp) = "Item" & iTemp
asNull(iTemp) = "Item" & iTemp
nNull.Add "Item" & iTemp
vecNull(i) = "Item" & iTemp
lstNull.Add "Item" & iTemp
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
For iTemp = 1 To iMax
s = avNull(iTemp)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "For I on Variant String array: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
For Each v In avNull
s = v
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "For Each on Variant String array: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
For iTemp = 1 To iMax
s = asNull(iTemp)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "For I on String array: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
For Each v In asNull
s = v
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "For Each on String array: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
For iTemp = 1 To nNull.Count
s = nNull(iTemp)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "For I on String collection: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
For Each v In nNull
s = v
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "For Each on String collection: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
For iTemp = 1 To vecNull.Last
s = vecNull(iTemp)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "For I on String vector: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
For Each v In vecNull
s = v
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "For Each on String vector: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
For iTemp = 1 To lstNull.Count
s = lstNull(iTemp)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "For I on String list: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
For Each v In lstNull
s = v
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "For Each on String list: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
walker.Attach lstNull
Do While walker.More
s = walker
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Do While on String list: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
#End If
' Create a collection and an array of iMax objects
Set nNull = Nothing
Set nNull = New Collection
vecNull.Last = vecNull.Chunk
For iTemp = 1 To iMax
Set nul = New CNull
nul.PubProp = iTemp
Set anulNull(iTemp) = nul
Set avNull(iTemp) = nul
Set anulNull(iTemp) = nul
nNull.Add nul
Set vecNull(iTemp) = nul
lstNull.Add nul
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
For iTemp = 1 To iMax
ix = avNull(iTemp).PubProp
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "For I on Variant object array: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
For Each v In avNull
ix = v.PubProp
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "For Each on Variant object array: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
For iTemp = 1 To iMax
ix = anulNull(iTemp).PubProp
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "For I on object array: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
For Each v In anulNull
ix = v.PubProp
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "For Each on object array: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
For iTemp = 1 To nNull.Count
ix = nNull(iTemp).PubProp
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "For I on object collection: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
For Each nul In nNull
ix = nul.PubProp
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "For Each on object collection: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
For iTemp = 1 To vecNull.Last
ix = vecNull(iTemp).PubProp
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "For I on object vector: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
For Each nul In vecNull
ix = nul.PubProp
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "For Each on object vector: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
For iTemp = 1 To lstNull.Count
ix = lstNull(iTemp).PubProp
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "For I on object list: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
For Each nul In lstNull
ix = nul.PubProp
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "For Each on object list: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
walker.Attach lstNull
Do While walker.More
ix = walker.Item.PubProp
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Do While on object list: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ForEachVsForI = sMsg
End Function
Function SortCollectVsArray(cIter As Long) As String
' Uncomment to step through and verify that everything works
'#Const fTestSorts = 1
#If fTestSorts Then
cIter = 10
#End If
Dim sec As Currency, secOut As Currency
Dim sMsg As String
Dim i As Long, iTemp As Long, c As Integer
Dim av() As Variant
Dim n As New Collection
c = cIter
ReDim av(1 To cIter) As Variant
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To c
av(i) = i
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Fill array: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To c
n.Add i
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Fill collection: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ShowNA av(), n
ProfileStart sec
ShuffleArray av()
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Shuffle array: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
ShuffleCollection n
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Shuffle collection: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ShowNA av(), n
ProfileStart sec
SortArray av(), 1, c
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Sort array: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
SortCollection n, 1, c
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Sort collection: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ShowNA av(), n
Dim v As Variant, iPos As Long, f As Boolean
v = Random(1, c)
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To 50
f = BSearchArray(av(), v, iPos)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Search array 50 Times: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
#If fTestSorts Then
BugMessage "Array element " & v & IIf(f, sEmpty, "not ") & " found at " & iPos
#End If
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To 50
f = BSearchCollection(n, v, iPos)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Search collection 50 Times: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
#If fTestSorts Then
BugMessage "Collection element " & v & IIf(f, sEmpty, "not ") & " found at " & iPos
#End If
SortCollectVsArray = sMsg
End Function
#If fTestSorts Then
Sub ShowNA(av() As Variant, n As Collection)
Dim s As String, i As Integer, v As Variant
For i = LBound(av) To UBound(av)
s = s & av(i) & " "
BugMessage "Array: " & s & sCrLf
s = sEmpty
For Each v In n
s = s & v & " "
BugMessage "Collection: " & s & sCrLf
End Sub
Sub ShowNA(av() As Variant, n As Collection)
End Sub
#End If
Function AddCollect(cIter As Long) As String
Dim sec As Currency, secOut As Currency
Dim sMsg As String
Dim i As Long, iTemp As Long, cHalf As Long
Dim n As Collection
cHalf = cIter / 2
Set n = New Collection
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cHalf
n.Add i
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Add first half to end of collection: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = cHalf + 1 To cIter
n.Add i
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Add last half to end of collection: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
Set n = Nothing
Set n = New Collection
ProfileStart sec
n.Add 1
For i = 2 To cHalf
n.Add i, , 1
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Add first half to start of collection: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = cHalf + 1 To cIter
n.Add i, , 1
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Add last half to start of collection: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
Set n = Nothing
Set n = New Collection
ProfileStart sec
n.Add 1
For i = 2 To cHalf
n.Add i, , i \ 2
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Add first half to middle of collection: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = cHalf + 1 To cIter
n.Add i, , i \ 2
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Add last half to middle of collection: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
Set n = Nothing
AddCollect = sMsg
End Function
Function SortRecurseVsIterate(cIter As Long) As String
Dim sec As Currency, secOut As Currency
Dim sMsg As String, i As Integer
Dim aR() As Variant, ai() As Variant
Dim helper As New CSortHelper
ReDim aR(1 To cIter) As Variant
ReDim ai(1 To cIter) As Variant
esmMode = esmSortVal
' Fill all arrays
For i = 1 To cIter
aR(i) = i
ai(i) = i
' Randomize with same random sequence for both
Seed 33
ShuffleArray aR(), helper
Seed 33
ShuffleArray ai(), helper
ProfileStart sec
SortArrayRec aR() ', helper, 1, CInt(c)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Sort recursively: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
SortArray ai() ', helper, 1, CInt(c)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Sort iteratively: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
SortRecurseVsIterate = sMsg
End Function
Function SortNameVsSortPoly(cIter As Long) As String
Dim sec As Currency, secOut As Currency
Dim sMsg As String, v As Variant
Dim i As Long, iTemp As Long, c As Integer
Dim aN() As Variant, aP() As Variant
Dim helper As New CSortHelper
On Error Resume Next
c = cIter
ReDim aN(1 To cIter) As Variant
ReDim aP(1 To cIter) As Variant
esmMode = esmSortVal
' Fill all arrays
For i = 1 To c
aN(i) = i
aP(i) = i
' Use same random sequence for both
Rnd -1
ProfileStart sec
ShuffleArrayO aN
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Shuffle with name-space hack: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
Rnd -1
ProfileStart sec
ShuffleArray aP(), helper
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Shuffle with polymorphic hack: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
SortArrayO aN(), 1, c
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Sort with name-space hack: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
SortArray aP(), 1, c, helper
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Sort with polymorphic hack: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
Dim iPos As Long, f As Boolean
v = Random(1, c)
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To 50
f = BSearchArrayO(aN(), v, iPos)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Search 50 times with name-space hack: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
v = Random(1, c)
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To 50
f = BSearchArray(aP(), v, iPos, helper)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Search 50 times with polymorphic hack: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
SortNameVsSortPoly = sMsg
End Function
Function CompareFindFiles(cIter As Long) As String
Dim sec As Currency, secOut As Currency
Dim i As Long, sMsg As String, v As Variant
Dim nFiles As Collection, vFile As Variant
Dim sFind As String, sDir As String
sFind = Environ$("COMSPEC")
sDir = Left$(CurDir$, 3)
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
Set nFiles = FindFilesDir(sFind, sDir)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Find files with Dir$: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
BugMessage "Files found by FindFilesDir: " & sCrLf
For Each vFile In nFiles
BugMessage vFile & sCrLf
Set nFiles = Nothing
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
Set nFiles = FindFiles(sFind, sDir)
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & sCrLf & "Find files with FindFirstFile: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
BugMessage "Files found by FindFiles: " & sCrLf
For Each vFile In nFiles
BugMessage vFile & sCrLf
CompareFindFiles = sMsg
End Function
Function DeclareVsTypeLib(cIter As Long) As String
Dim sec As Currency, secOut As Currency
Dim i As Long, dw As Long
Dim sMsg As String
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
dw = GetVersionTmp
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Call Declare function: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
dw = GetVersion
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Call type library function: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
DeclareVsTypeLib = sMsg
End Function
Function CompareExistFile(cIter As Long) As String
Dim sec As Currency, secOut As Currency
Dim i As Long, f As Boolean, sMsg As String
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
f = ExistFile(Environ$("COMSPEC"))
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "ExistFile (error trap) on file: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
f = ExistFile(Left$(CurDir$, 3) & "\autofool.bat")
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "ExistFile (error trap) on no file: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
f = ExistFileDir(Environ$("COMSPEC"))
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "ExistFileDir (API) on file: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
f = ExistFileDir(Left$(CurDir$, 3) & "\autofool.bat")
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "ExistFileDir (API) on no file: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
f = Exists(Environ$("COMSPEC"))
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Exists (Dir$) on file: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
f = Exists(Left$(CurDir$, 3) & "\autofool.bat")
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Exists (Dir$) on no file: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
CompareExistFile = sMsg
End Function
Function CompareFriendVsPublic(cIter As Long) As String
Dim sec As Currency, secOut As Currency
Dim i As Long, dw As Long
Dim sMsg As String
Dim fvp As CNull
Set fvp = New CNull
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
dw = fvp.FriendProp
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Call Friend property on class: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
dw = fvp.ProcProp
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Call Public property on class: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
dw = FTimeIt.FriendProp
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Call Friend property on form: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
ProfileStart sec
For i = 1 To cIter
dw = FTimeIt.ProcProp
ProfileStop sec, secOut
sMsg = sMsg & "Call Public property on form: " & secOut & " sec" & sCrLf
CompareFriendVsPublic = sMsg
End Function
' Efficient find files function
Function FindFiles(sTarget As String, _
Optional ByVal Start As String) As Collection
' Statics for less memory use in recursive procedure
Static sName As String, sSpec As String, nFound As New Collection
Static fd As WIN32_FIND_DATA, iLevel As Long
Dim hFiles As Long, f As Boolean
If Start = sEmpty Then Start = CurDir$
' Maintain level to ensure collection is cleared first time
If iLevel = 0 Then
Set nFound = Nothing
Start = NormalizePath(Start)
End If
iLevel = iLevel + 1
' Find first file (get handle to find)
hFiles = FindFirstFile(Start & "*.*", fd)
Do While f
sName = ByteZToStr(fd.cFileName)
' Skip . and ..
If Left$(sName, 1) <> "." Then
sSpec = Start & sName
If fd.dwFileAttributes And vbDirectory Then
' Call recursively on each directory
FindFiles sTarget, sSpec & "\"
ElseIf StrComp(sName, sTarget, 1) = 0 Then ' Text comparison
' Store found files in collection
nFound.Add sSpec
End If
End If
' Keep looping until no more files
f = FindNextFile(hFiles, fd)
f = FindClose(hFiles)
' Return the matching files in collection
Set FindFiles = nFound
iLevel = iLevel - 1
End Function
' Inefficient find files function to show how bad Dir$ is
Function FindFilesDir(sTarget As String, _
Optional ByVal Start As String) As Collection
' Statics for less memory use in recursive procedure
Static sName As String, sSpec As String, v As Variant
Static nFound As New Collection, iLevel As Long
Dim nDirNames As New Collection
If Start = sEmpty Then Start = CurDir$
If iLevel = 0 Then
Set nFound = Nothing
Start = NormalizePath(Start)
End If
iLevel = iLevel + 1
' Ignore errors so that VB invalid file name won't kill search
' (Basic fails on weird but legal Win32 names such as ??????)
On Error Resume Next
' Get first file
sName = Dir$(Start, vbDirectory)
Do While sName <> sEmpty
' Skip . and ..
If Left$(sName, 1) <> "." Then
sSpec = Start & sName
If GetAttr(sSpec) And vbDirectory Then
' Cache directory names in collection
nDirNames.Add sName
ElseIf StrComp(sName, sTarget, 1) = 0 Then ' Text comparison
' Store found files in collection
nFound.Add sSpec
End If
End If
' Keep looping until no more files
sName = Dir$()
' Call recursively on each cached directory
For Each v In nDirNames
FindFilesDir sTarget, Start & v & "\"
' Return the count of matching files
Set FindFilesDir = nFound
iLevel = iLevel - 1
End Function